Sunday, March 8, 2020

More wiring

Wow, I didn't realize the wiring for a custom clock from scratch would take so long.  But ooh well, I'm having fun.
I got the high voltage wiring pretty much finalized. 
I had to calculate the series dropping resistor.  It came out to around 4.6K.  I combined two resistors to get to that particular value. 
The power supply puts out a regulated 330 volts DC.  The dropping resistor will drop 150 volts and the VR tubes will drop the other 180 volts. 
I also utilized the internal connection pins in one of the VR tubes, so that if one tube is pulled out then the HV to the nixies is shut off.  (Looking at it again, I need to do the same for the second tube socket).
I also wired up the RTC module and I got 2 more of the ribbon cables soldered in.
I have one more ribbon cable to install, then I'll start on all of the interconnections between the driver chips, shift registers, and the Arduino. 

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